general fuzz

Musing from a obsessive computer music composer with hippie-ish tendencies.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Last night we trekked out to the Connecticut Yankee for Izabella's CD release party. Rachel, Aron, Stina and I went early to have some dinner. The grub is pretty good there, but the buffalo wings were most disappointing. Fortunately, they have Poppy Jasper on tap, and all was right in the universe. Matt, Amanda, Brian, Seth, Angel, and DanT met up with us, so the good times kept on rolling.

Garren Benfield opened up. There's some serious talent there, but its tough for a singer songwriter to hold the attention of a friday night drinking crowd. I got to catch up with Sean (the guitar guy from Izabella) for a bit - interesting to hear about the bands evolution to a now 7 piece. Amusingly, they got 6 of them on the stage at once, which is quite a feat since it is a very little stage. There were far more people in the Yankee then I'd ever seen. Good for them.

The absolute highlight of the evening was when Izabella played "Shakedown Street", and 6 former members of the Shakedown Street house were present - Stina, Brian, Seth, Matt, Angel, and myself. Epic, even though the band lost their place towards the end. I'd been asking Sean to play Shakedown for a while now - it was the ultimate time to bust it out.


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