general fuzz

Musing from a obsessive computer music composer with hippie-ish tendencies.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Oh, Its Summer

I got up and groovin on Saturday morning for a full day in the North Bay. A typical fogged over summer day, I had to drive a whole 10 minutes north before the sky reveals itself. Its about a 30 degree difference in temperature.

I headed up to my Aunt + Uncle’s Ranch in Napa, where my parents were staying. It’s freaking gorgeous up there. They have 6 horses, 2 dogs, several cats, and a whole mess of wild life. Ferrel turkeys, mountain lions and such. A bunch of cows and a huge bull named cowboy.

It’s super relaxing up there. We have a delicious lunch. Breath some tasty air. Then I’m off to Ryan and Lizzie’s wedding celebration.

Ryan and Lizzie up and eloped in Hawaii. Then they returned and told all of us. What a brilliant idea! They were having a celebratory chin-dig at s friend’s home in Sonoma. Turns out the home was attached to their enormous vineyard. So we celebrated in style. I went into the vineyard to taste grapes off the vine. It is late enough in the season that the sugar levels were pretty high so the grapes were delicious.

Then I headed back towards SF with a stop at Cobalt Sun in Sausalito. They were having an art show from an Iranian painter, Nouriman Manoucheri. Its such a cool space they have there. The art was cool, but its hard for me to appreciate Art. Then Lynn Augstine walked me around to each Painting, talking about different aspects of the piece that she enjoyed. It really heightened my appreciation of the Art.

And I got to reclaim my long lost green pillow, which I had left there from the Tropozone concert. There was much rejoicing.


Blogger PVision said...

Did you stomp grapes?

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that the green pillow is back home now. Oh how I missed that green pillow.

10:09 AM  

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